Thursday, March 25, 2010


FINALLY, something I can delight in writing about. I've waited all year to have the opportunity to discuss something remotely political. The environment... Highly debated, varying opinions... What do you think? I don't care what you think. Time to express what my beliefs on the environment are.

In my personal opinion, I think that we should quit worrying about the environment. Leave it alone! Let nature do its thing! Save the birds, save the bees... Save the flowers, save the trees. NO, DON'T SAVE ANYTHING! Leave it alone! It is not our place to interfere with nature. We throw our trash everywhere, that's the truth. Is it going to change? No. Let nature adapt. If it doesn't, well... Sorry, tough shit. Survival of the fittest. This is how life works, and ALWAYS will. Even when we are loooong gone.

Are we going to leave a lasting impact on the Earth when we all contract the AIDS virus and go extinct? No. Nature will resume where it left off before we were here. The earth will cleanse itself... Shake us off, like a baaaad case of fleas. The Earth has been through billions of years of torture! Volcanoes, tectonic plates, the magnetic reversal of the poles, bombarding from space debris, tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, and all the others. And we have the gall to think that a little plastic is going to hurt something? That we're going to ruin the environment forever? That we're causing the entire planet to heat up? NO! This is ludicrous!! YOU PEOPLE ARE CRAZY.

Ask the people of Haiti, after they were demolished by a major earthquake, if they feel like a threat to the planet today.

Nature prevails. Always.

Blogging Challenge #4


Yo yo, Ms. Swanson, diggity dogg. This is my group's Macbeth trailer. BUT, it's not going to be finished until... After spring break. In the meantime, here's a TEASER.

I know we already presented one, but that was I guess... A back up. This one will be better.



Oh yeah, and stupid Blogger fudged up the quality.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Thursday, March 11, 2010


When is it appropriate to post pictures of yourself on blogs...? Are you serious?! What kind of topic is this? You want my opinion? I think this is a stupid topic. It's never necessary to use photos of yourself in a blog, unless you're trying to look for a date or something. I guess it would be okay if you were really fat and lost a lot of weight? And you wanted to show a before and after, I don't know. Why don't you put pictures of yourself on LiveJournal or MySpace instead? Blogger isn't really the place for pictures. That's really all I have to say about that... What else can I say?!

Now, I'm going to blog about something way more interesting. If you want me to write more, give me better topics! So, not so long ago, I was browsin' the interwebs, and I stumbled upon this music video art project thing called Bad Apple!! It only uses black and white, and shows a montage of characters from the popular game series called Touhou. I'm not into Touhou. I've never played it, but it's pretty much just an arcade game with all-female anime characters. I'm not particularly interested in the games, but that music video is absolutely stunning! It's the most impressive and artistic thing I've seen in a really long time.

Oh yeah, and as for better topics? How about you give us things like "What are your views on Global Warming?" or "What is your opinion on the increasing number of teen pregnancies?". Your topics are PBBBBTH!!! Come on adjudicators! Get with the program here!

Touhou - Bad Apple!!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Well, first I'd like to announce that I'll be posting videos every so often, just for fun. Also, my pants smell funny today. They're brand new, so they smell like dye and fabric, but it's really strong... -_-

Anyway, today I think I'm going to blog about vocaloids and why I like them. It's really the only thing that comes in my mind right now... Firstly, I think they have a really interesting sound. They sing great, but they just don't sound quite human. That makes them interesting to me! Most of them can only sing in japanese, which... is alright with me. Singing is singing, and sometimes it's better if I can't understand what they're saying. There are also english vocaloids, and I love them just as much. Only, their english sounds like their mouth is full of cotton. It really depends on the user, I suppose; sometimes their english is perfect. My favorite vocaloid would have to be Rin Kagamine. Her voice is strong, and light. It really doesn't matter if her user is good or not. She always sounds fabulous.

A common mistake... an UTAU and a vocaloid are very different. I absolutely adore UTAUloids, though! They are essentially fan-made vocaloids. There is a freeware program called UTAU, and anyone in the world can make their own singer! You use samples of your own voice. The most common UTAUloids would be Teto Kasane, and Ruko Yokune. There are countless UTAU out there, and for the most part, they don't sound nearly as smooth as the real vocaloids. They sound very robotic and choppy, but that's something I love most about them. Some of my favorite UTAUloids are Teto Kasane (of course), and Defoko.

My favorite part of the vocaloid/UTAU fandom are the beautiful music videos. Vocaloid is not mainstream, so a majority of the videos and songs are made by fans. Many of them are hand-drawn and just so darn impressive! So much work goes into them, and you can tell. They are very artistic and talented. Another thing I like about the vocaloids, is that in a music video, the characters can play roles like actors in a play.

Rin Kagamine - Kokoro
Volume Warning: It is a music video, after all...

Monday, March 1, 2010


Really, this is an actual question... for the
Are you guys as excited as I am?! Let's get it started!
... -_-

Okay, so why would anyone want to read my blog? Well, I guess because it's a heck of a lot more interesting than anyone else's blogs. Sure, it might not make much sense to you, but I provide amusing pictures and ridiculous stories; and I think my sarcasm adds a little spice to my tales. I like to write mostly about things that people can't really relate to. Is that wrong? I don't think so. I like to let people see what strange things are running through my mind at all times. I like to open up a world of new things to anyone reading my blogs. Like you, blog masters.... Or, should I call you the adjudicators? In any case, I'm sure you've never heard of a vocaloid, a King named Harkinian, a team of game developers who call themselves "Team Ico," or an octopus with a girl's face. This is precisely why my blog surpasses the others. It's different, uncommon, unique, novel, strange and anything of the sort.