Friday, January 29, 2010

FREE BLOG! Roo! Roo! Roo!

Today, I'm going to write about a subject that I'm sure everyone has an opinion on, and that would be dogs. Some I like, some I hate. There are a lot of dogs out there...

I know what you're thinking... What in the world is that ugly thing?! It's a basset hound and I don't like them. And what do I have to say about them? "Roo roo roo roo rooooo!!". I wake up to the awful sound of their barking almost every weekend morning. I never get the chance to sleep in on the weekends because our three basset hounds are tied outside my bedroom window (which is extremely redneck in my opinion), barking at anything that moves. Even when they're not outside, they run around the house and ROO ROO ROO!!! They're not trained, so if you yell and scream at them to stop, they won't. They don't even know their own names, let alone the meaning of "NO! SHUT THE 'EFF UP YOU STUPID ANIMAL!!!" I mean, just look at the picture I provided. Clearly, there's not much going on in that dog's head. "Roo roo roo roo roooo roooooo...." And check out that physique. Clearly, they're built for speed... Don't ever get a basset hound.

What we have here is a fitting picture for a filthy beast: the pitbull. I don't know whose bright idea it was to breed anything like this. They serve no purpose on Earth besides idiotic violence towards anything that approaches them. About the only thing they're capable of is attacking. Biting, scratching, growling... Anything of the sort. Why do people like them so much? They're hideous, and clearly stupid. No one in their right mind should own a pitbull as a family pet, unless they want to see their children's faces ripped off, or their hands separated from their bodies. Just looking at them makes me angry.

Here's a dog that you might not have heard of. It's called a bullmastiff, and boy oh boy are they stupid! You can call and call and call, and they won't come! You pretty much have to shove them as hard as you can to move them! They're extremely stubborn, and won't obey a word you say. The only sound they respond to is the sound of breakfast or dinner being poured into a bowl. They're lazy, stinky, and gigantic! They're like rocks; big rocks. Once they find a spot on your floor or couch, they aren't moving.

Here's a dog that I quite like. This is a giant schnauzer. I don't know much about them, as I've never had a personal experience with them. From what I know, however, they're very intelligent and independent thinkers. I'd really like to meet one someday; their mustache and bushy eyebrows are simply adorable!

Here's another dog that I really like; the welsh corgi. They're just the cutest, fluffiest little dogs! From the few experiences I've had with them, they're very friendly and energetic dogs. I don't know what it is, but they just have this charm to them.

If you're going to get a dog, I recommend a golden retriever above all others. They're loyal, loving, caring, and adore meeting new people. They're very intelligent and have no trouble being trained. They're always happy to see their owners. I have a golden retriever, and I know this may sound weird, but it's almost like they have some understanding of human emotions. If I'm sad, Blondie can always tell, and she'll try to cheer me up! It's very cute, and sweet. She always greets you with a toy in her mouth when you come home, and she loves to be around people. These dogs are truly man's best friend.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Between life and death, through the barriers that bind a soul to a body, and on the brink of insanity lies the infinite, tired capacity known as the Nexus. It is a place for warriors; those who harvest the souls of hellion. Trapped eternally with dull atmosphere and forlorn inhabitants, you struggle to conserve your sanity. Death comes to you, and yet you remain here; you are a slave to the Nexus evermore.

Monday, January 25, 2010


I've had some pretty good teachers my whole life. It's kind of hard to just pick out one teacher that "lit a match" for me. Among my favorites were Coach Crump, Mr. Escorcia, and Ms. Williams. I had Coach Crump in 10th and 11th grade for American History and Government. He was always a very pleasant man to be around. He never got angry and treated everyone with respect. He is a very capable teacher, and I feel like I learned a lot in his classes.

Mr. Escorcia was my 8th grade math teacher. Math is not my strong point, and I can only learn when taught well. I did very well in his class because I was actually able to grasp and understand the material. Not only this, but when I struggled with Geometry in 10th grade, he came over to my house once a week to tutor me, and I was able to pass.

Ms. Williams was my Algebra teacher last year in 11th grade. Every day when I went into class she greeted everyone individually with a friendly, welcoming smile. She was a very fun person and made the class more tolerable. Although I had homework every night, and we took notes every day, I actually was able to learn. I didn't even need tutoring, and I passed with good grades. Although these teachers were some of my favorites, they didn't stand out as much as one teacher I had in particular.

In 10th grade, I took Chemistry. My teacher was a gross, smelly, old man named Mr. Santaniello. His skin was flaking off his hands, he stunk, he was grouchy and he would leave class every day for, sometimes long, periods of time for a smoke break. I didn't learn a single thing in that class.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


I've had some nicknames in my life. Some good, some not so good. At one point in my life, I was obsessed with lawn gnomes. I told everyone to call me "Lawn Gnome". Another time, around sixth grade, my friends called me Acceber. That's my name backwards. My boyfriend calls me "The Silly" sometimes. Usually, though, people just call me Becca, Becka, or Rebecca... I think Beck is a cool nickname.

Monday, January 11, 2010

She walks in Beauty

She walks in beauty, like the night
Of fluorescent bright yellow office light skies;
And all that 's best of dim and bright
Meet in her aspect and her eyes:
Thus mellow'd to that annoying light
Which the mean, ugly boss denies.
One shade the more, one ray the less,
Had half impair'd the nameless grace
Which waves in every raven tress,
Or softly lightens o'er her face;
Where thoughts of writing memos express
How pure, how dear their office-place.

And on that
cheek, and o'er that brow,
So professional, so secretarial, yet eloquent,
The smiles that win, the tints that glow,
But tell of days in goodness spent,
A mind at peace with all below,
A cup full of pencils is innocent!


I'd have to say, I'm pretty good at sitting, eating, and watching tv. People don't really rely on me to do that. Sometimes people rely on my drawing skills, but I don't really like it when people do that. I'd say that my most reliable skill is in Photoshop. People will often ask me to do something for them in Photoshop. One time, my mom asked me to photoshop a picture of my younger cousin and make her into a mermaid.
I said no.