Tuesday, September 29, 2009

여보세요. Hello.

It's time for a serious post.

That's Mama Luigi to you, Mario.

1 comment:

e m i l y y said...

This post says a lot about the current state of the collective unconscious of high schoolers in our nation. Many people our age nowadays don't take very many things seriously, and what they do take seriously are pop culture icons, such as Luigi, King Harkinian, Zelda, Gwonam (squadalah!) and other characters from the Nintendo franchise. Nintendo and other video game systems now play such a large role in the lives of the modern teenager that it's becoming hard to distinguish what really matters in our lives and what we think matters, like defeating Ovan's neighbors and getting the next Lost Weapon unlocked. This post says volumes without saying anything...bravo, Cubia. Bravo.