Sharks are awesome; they're definitely some of the coolest things roaming the vast oceans. I have a lot of respect for them. There are so many different species of sharks; all of them are quite unique. From the enormous whale shark, to the elusive greenland shark. Sharks come in all different colors, shapes, and sizes, and it's difficult for me to only choose a few to write about. After careful thought and consideration, I've come up with a list of my very favorites.

The first shark I am going to talk about is the thresher shark. This shark is unique in that is has a caudal tail fin that makes up half of it's entire body length. In my opinion, I think the tail is actually very pretty; or somewhat elegant. Sharks are very graceful swimmers, and the long tail almost seems to add to this as the shark swims through the water with ease. Although pretty, the tail is actually used like a whip to stun prey.

The next shark I'm going to discuss is the goblin shark. It's not very pretty or graceful-looking at all! In fact, it's rather hideous. These sharks live beyond the comfort zone of humans: in the deepest, darkest depths of the ocean. They are rarely seen, but some have been found off the coast of Japan. As you can see from the illustration, the goblin shark displays many unique traits. Firstly, their entire mouth is retractable (that's a little gross). Their skin is nearly transparent, and because of this, you can see the blood vessels, causing them to appear pinkish. They also have round, almost floppy-looking fins. However, the most obvious trait is the mysterious "nose". Ugly, aren't they?

Of course, I can't deny the great white shark a spot in my hall of fame! These sharks are swift, powerful hunters; they pack a lot of punch. They can get to incredible sizes, the biggest being over 25 feet. Despite their massive size, they're capable of hoisting their entire body many feet out of the water. It is believed that they are ambush predators, waiting in camouflage for an unsuspecting seal to come swimming along. The chase then commences, and the shark snags itself a delicious mouthful of seal flesh. I can surely say that these aren't the elegant beauties of the seas, but the terrifying brutes with a bad reputation!

Last, I'd like to talk about a shark that, sadly, hasn't been around for millions of years. Allow me to introduce helicoprion, the extinct shark. Hardly anything is known about this facinating shark, due to the fact that the only fossil records we have are of the skull and lower jaw. The bottom teeth are arranged in a whirl, much like a circular saw. This shark is very special, and that's why I decided to put it here. Well, there you have it: a summary of a few of the most intriguing sharks that roam the oceans, or once did many years ago.
Your information on the sharks is very cool, its informative and interesting. You should be a shark expert but get paid to do it. Be the Shark Queen.
I agree with Cassie, you should be a shark expert. It sounds as if this is something that you truly like. I enjoyed reading your post.
You forgot Ms. Megamouth, but at least you counted Whale Shark.... Thanks for excluding Megalodon, big attention hog!!!
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