Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Personally, I'm most grateful for having skin all over my body. Skin has so many functions, I don't even think I could name them all. I mean, just take a few moments, and think about what it would be like to not have skin.

Have you thought about it? Without skin, you would just be a huge, throbbing muscle mass that doesn't even look human. You'd be in great pain all the time. Can you imagine standing out in the desert heat with no skin? Bacon, anyone?

You'd look like something from Resident Evil. Also, without skin, you wouldn't be able to keep cool or warm. When you're cold, you get goose bumps, which helps create insulation. And when you're hot, your skin excretes sweat that evaporates and keeps you cool! Skin also protects us from the sun (to an extent) and prevents water loss.

Not to mention, without skin, you wouldn't be able to feel anything. Our skin contains the nerves which make up our sense of touch and ability to feel cold and heat. Skin is also vital to the way we look; it's what makes you look like you! Everyone has a different appearance, all thanks to the wonderful thing that is skin.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

My Hero

My hero is definitely Dan Green; the voice actor of Yami from
Yu-Gi-Oh! He has a strong, powerful, booming voice that one can only dream of having. His voice is so loud, that when he speaks, the angels in heaven and the demons in hell can all hear him. Beings in galaxies millions of light years away can hear it. When he shouts "IT'S TIME TO DUEL!", you can feel it rattle every bone in your entire body, and the sound reverberates through your head for around 10 minutes. Everyone daydreams about having a voice like Dan's. I think about having his voice every waking moment of the day. I think "What would so-and-so be like if I had Dan Green's voice?" or "Wouldn't I sound way cooler saying that with Dan Green's voice?" Everyone would pay attention to every little thing I said (they wouldn't help but hear it). Well, that'll never happen. I was unfortunate enough to not be born with such an awesome voice.

"I'm going to do my laundry! Can I have some change?"

- Dan Green

Monday, November 16, 2009

iMovie SUCKS

iMovie is the most retarded video editing program ever. In all honesty, it does almost the exact same thing as Keynote and Power Point except it's a million times more confusing to use. It's not user-friendly at all and sometimes when you open your project back up, everything is messed up and you have to fix it (like Adobe Flash). I could make a more entertaining project in Power Point. Don't even get me started comparing iMovie and Windows Movie Maker. WMM beats iMovie by a LONG SHOT. It's actually a decent video editing program. Whatever, I just hate iMovie with a burning passion. Terrible program. Next time, I'm going to use Power Point or Keynote because I'd be able to make a way more awesome presentation with them.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Most Evil Macbeth Character


The economy is bad, and everyone knows why. It's totally George Bush's fault entirely. There's no doubt in my mind that he's the evil dictator that wants us all to live miserable, suffering lives.

He's a very bad man!

Honestly, if asked to write about the economy, I'm sure that's what many Americans would say. It's ignorant, and entirely untrue. The economy fluctuates; it's normal. Luckily, it hasn't effected me very much. I'm not a costly child; I don't own a car, work, or anything like that. I just live in the comfort of my room and live off of cheap food such as Ramen, PB&J sandwiches, and Easy Mac.

'Nuf said.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

By the way...

In case anyone was wondering...

Yes, I defeated Zeus.

Kristen/Macbeth Sort Of

What do the following images have in common? Kristen.

Kristen, an ex-friend of mine, has been steadily losing her sanity through the years, much like Macbeth is. This all started after she dropped out of of High School after tenth grade. She constantly complained about being too tired or sick to go to school (these were only excuses, though because she didn't like school). She missed nearly every other day of school, and she didn't even attend school in eleventh grade. She decided to stay home and do virtual school; which resulted in the way she is today.
Ever since I've known her (since fourth grade), she'd been diving in and out of different "phases". For example, one week she'd be insanely obsessed with Japanese culture and music, and the next week be into rap. She hasn't really found herself, and is CONSTANTLY changing everything about herself. From the music she likes, to her basic interests, to her hair color, to her sense of style. I can't even name every phase she's been through in the past year or two. I can only name some of them.
She's been through an anime-obsessed phase, a Gundam phase, a politics phase, a steam punk phase, a spells and alchemy phase, a folk metal phase, a Japanese fashion and music phase, and the list goes on. She can't stay focused on one thing for too long; I don't know why. She's always jumping around. I think this is partially because of just simply having nothing to do all day. She even stopped doing virtual school, so she's pretty much a bum that's not going anywhere with her life.
Besides this, though, I think one of the negative factors in her situation would be her father. She pretty much has him tied around her finger. "Dad, buy me this Gundam model!". She complained so much to him, that he even let her drop out of school. Did I mention that she can't even leave the comfort of her house anymore because she gets sick? It's kind of sad, I couldn't even hang out with her anymore. Overall, this is a depressing situation. It's always sad watching someone slide into insanity over time, which is why I think my ex-friend, Kristen, has a lot in common with Macbeth.