Monday, November 16, 2009

iMovie SUCKS

iMovie is the most retarded video editing program ever. In all honesty, it does almost the exact same thing as Keynote and Power Point except it's a million times more confusing to use. It's not user-friendly at all and sometimes when you open your project back up, everything is messed up and you have to fix it (like Adobe Flash). I could make a more entertaining project in Power Point. Don't even get me started comparing iMovie and Windows Movie Maker. WMM beats iMovie by a LONG SHOT. It's actually a decent video editing program. Whatever, I just hate iMovie with a burning passion. Terrible program. Next time, I'm going to use Power Point or Keynote because I'd be able to make a way more awesome presentation with them.


Anonymous said...

It also can be used to create wonderfully entertaining and fun video game experiences on your home interactive-video-entertainment-box-system.
I hear the award winning game Plumbers Don't Wear Ties was created with iMovie, though a select few suspicious folks believe it was on Powerpoint.. I personally don't know who to believe.

OMG, I'm a James Dean rebel without a cause, looking at your blog in class, SO BAD. Just as that cephaluka showing up again is... SO BADass.

P.S.... Boarfest

Anonymous said...

I agree with your statements, powerpoint is so much better. Alas, we're stuck on macs, so everything is not as good.