I'm not giving half of $100,000 to charity, and that's that!
I'm going to keep ALL OF IT. I think Oprah, Bill Gates, and various other super stars supply charities with enough money to start their own countries. Therefore, I believe that I have the right to keep my $100,000. My family and I donate money to the Red Cross and Salvation Army every year, so it's not like I'm completely heartless. I'll put my $100,000 into savings for when I might need it. Did you ever think about that? Maybe I could use that money for myself when I might need it. This would be a completely different story if we were talking about say, maybe $1,000,000. Then, I would happily pass some of that along to the charity of my choice (which would probably be the Red Cross). We're talking about $100,000 though, which is a fair sum of money that I could put forth for my own living expenses. Don't get me wrong; I'm not greedy; just consider the fact that I'll have my own budgets and bills to attend to.

This is a ribbon eel.
heyy, it's corey, i just wanted to let you know thaaat I think you and emily are the coolest people ever! your always laughing and havin a good ole time...sooo...i wanna be you guys' friend!!! let's sit together in english tomorrow k?! :-) <33333
I want to make beautiful eggs with Mr. Corey.
Speaking of which yanno what's a nicer picture than a lovely ribbon eel? A pair of banana slugs mating, it's actually quite interesting. They wrap themselves around each other like some kinda Twizzler or those fruity Twistable thingies. Very beautiful, they also spray fluids all over each other, drip drop flippity flop. I bet they don't wanna stop.
Tyler again, just thought I'd throw this out there. Please consider giving to the Blargen Fund. Your contributions are always appreciated, I know you already have used our subsidiary company for a transaction once, customers are always valued and never forgotten.
A donation to Blargen Fund would be fantastic, a great way to achieve our goals.
Working for me, from you. BLARGEN FUND
Ribbon eels are cool/creepy, and I like your plans for your money. Maybe you should start your own charity for yourself.
That ribbon eel is the most beautiful creature I have ever seen depicted in my entire life. The way it's thin body curls around in lustrous waves...fantastic.
I meant its*
I made a mistake XDD
Good for you..
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