Monday, January 25, 2010


I've had some pretty good teachers my whole life. It's kind of hard to just pick out one teacher that "lit a match" for me. Among my favorites were Coach Crump, Mr. Escorcia, and Ms. Williams. I had Coach Crump in 10th and 11th grade for American History and Government. He was always a very pleasant man to be around. He never got angry and treated everyone with respect. He is a very capable teacher, and I feel like I learned a lot in his classes.

Mr. Escorcia was my 8th grade math teacher. Math is not my strong point, and I can only learn when taught well. I did very well in his class because I was actually able to grasp and understand the material. Not only this, but when I struggled with Geometry in 10th grade, he came over to my house once a week to tutor me, and I was able to pass.

Ms. Williams was my Algebra teacher last year in 11th grade. Every day when I went into class she greeted everyone individually with a friendly, welcoming smile. She was a very fun person and made the class more tolerable. Although I had homework every night, and we took notes every day, I actually was able to learn. I didn't even need tutoring, and I passed with good grades. Although these teachers were some of my favorites, they didn't stand out as much as one teacher I had in particular.

In 10th grade, I took Chemistry. My teacher was a gross, smelly, old man named Mr. Santaniello. His skin was flaking off his hands, he stunk, he was grouchy and he would leave class every day for, sometimes long, periods of time for a smoke break. I didn't learn a single thing in that class.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That picture reminds me of the time we watched that Ruby & Sapphire episode were Kyogre fought Groudon and you paused it JUST right and Groudon looked like the bigges idiot imaginable.

By the way with Mr. Crupp, er, Crump, if you snap your fingers does he turn into Captain Underpants?