FINALLY, something I can delight in writing about. I've waited all year to have the opportunity to discuss something remotely political. The environment... Highly debated, varying opinions... What do you think? I don't care what you think. Time to express what my beliefs on the environment are.
In my personal opinion, I think that we should quit worrying about the environment. Leave it alone! Let nature do its thing! Save the birds, save the bees... Save the flowers, save the trees. NO, DON'T SAVE ANYTHING! Leave it alone! It is not our place to interfere with nature. We throw our trash everywhere, that's the truth. Is it going to change? No. Let nature adapt. If it doesn't, well... Sorry, tough shit. Survival of the fittest. This is how life works, and ALWAYS will. Even when we are loooong gone.
Are we going to leave a lasting impact on the Earth when we all contract the AIDS virus and go extinct? No. Nature will resume where it left off before we were here. The earth will cleanse itself... Shake us off, like a baaaad case of fleas. The Earth has been through billions of years of torture! Volcanoes, tectonic plates, the magnetic reversal of the poles, bombarding from space debris, tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, and all the others. And we have the gall to think that a little plastic is going to hurt something? That we're going to ruin the environment forever? That we're causing the entire planet to heat up? NO! This is ludicrous!! YOU PEOPLE ARE CRAZY.
Ask the people of Haiti, after they were demolished by a major earthquake, if they feel like a threat to the planet today.
Nature prevails. Always.