Monday, May 24, 2010


My final thoughts on the class... Uh, I personally didn't really like how art and english were combined. Our art projects rarely correlated with the english. What's with the blogging? What does this have to do with anything...? I'm probably missing all your points about how it's preparing us for college and whatever and this and that and blahbityblah, but if I can't plainly see the point in blogging, then there might as well not be one. Whhhy can't we just read a book and take a test? I don't feel like writing blogs and doing art projects helped me learn/understand the story. Really. And uhhh... Umm... Well, this year wa
s a pretty good year. Yeaaaah... Ended a bad relationship, got Demon's Souls (gonna be in the hall of fame soon), and... What else? I dunno. Wasting space blahblahblah... Downloaded a bunch of music illegally, hooray. I guess technically it's not illegal since no one owns what I listen to. Ummm... Ugh... Herpderp. Yeah, well... I think you should do something completely different with this class next year. Beck does not approve. I WANNA GO HOME!!! =_= What else is there to say?! Get this stanky high school thing over with already! It's been torture! ADIOS AMIGOS! See you at the reunions, hope you enjoyed my weird blogs.

This is my favorite movie. I have never even seen it before.

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