Thursday, February 11, 2010


I once met a man named Chad.
His breath smelled really bad.
He gave me a rose,
while he looked at his toes;
and it sure did make me mad!

I once saw a couple at lunch
after they'd just finished brunch.
The man spilled his drink,
on her dress so pink
And she gave his nose a big punch.

I once knew a kid named Kyle,
and this guy had no style.
He liked me a lot,
and I did not.
I was happy when he moved to the Nile.

There once was a sad, lonely man,
who spent all his days on 4chan.
He chatted with babes
on the forums all day
until he discovered his ban.

I once met a man named Nate,
who dreamed he was on a date.
The girl's name was Sherry,
and boy, was she hairy!
He decided she was not his soul mate.

"How about a kiss... for luck?"

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