Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Today I have to write tips to teachers for teaching. Haha, that's a tongue-twister! Tips to teachers for teaching...

My first tip would be... I think it's always nice when a teacher gets to know the students as individuals. That way, you feel like you're friends with your teacher. This is true vice-versa, as well. I think the teacher should tell the students about his or herself. I also think it's important that the teacher has a sense of humor.

My second tip is concerning rewards. I think that students need to have positive feedback for doing well. Maybe a piece of candy or a homework pass, but really anything is good. Even just saying "Oh, good job on your test, Johnny!" or something like that.

My third tip is breaks. I think that there should be some free time during classes. Just a few minutes is nice enough. Also, for Christ sakes... Let the students use the bathroom! I once had a teacher who would take points off your grade for using the bathroom, coughSANTANIELLOcough.

The next tip is about being too strict. Nobody likes a stickler for rules. Don't get all harsh on students for sending a quick text, or chewing some gum. It's not a big deal, and students will only dislike you for doing so.

My last tip is concerning assignments. Don't give your students hours of homework a night, and don't just assign book "busy" work. That's boring, and students will quickly lose interest and start doing something else.


Anonymous said...

Those kind of teachers are pretty hard to come by. The world needs more!

Anonymous said...

I love the X-Zibit pictures! YO DAWG I HERD U LIKE BIKES


ALSO. I agree with all of your tips to teachers for teaching. coughSANTANIELLOWASAJERKcough. XDDD